Travelling Keystone Goes to St Helens
W Bro Bill McGrath of Murray Mark Lodge no 490, along with his two wardens risked the journey from Wigan to St Helens to pass on the Travelling Keystone to the Prince of Wales lodge No 466. They handed this over with kind words at the festive board to WBro TB Rafferty, the master, who informed them that the next lodge in the chain had already been agreed!

The evening’s ceremony was the advancement of Bro Stuart Carl Aimson, a Morecambe mason who shares a friendship with the DC of the lodge, WBro Dave Rigby. This ceremony was performed in fine voice, with all present enjoying the experience – none so much as our candidate, who commented at the festive board that he was grateful to all those that took part and made his night special.

Words and pictures by Dave Rigby